Thursday, February 5, 2015

I Thank God for a Man

It has really bothered me over the last few years how little true good godly men are appreciated. Everything from television programs, movies, social media to general conversations seemed aimed at putting men down and portraying them as either over bearing chauvinist or spineless buffoons. It is very rare that a man is portrayed as being a strong, loving, caring, compassionate, protective family man. It's almost as if in our effort as women to prove what we can do, we have went to the extreme of emasculating and belittling men to make ourselves appear stronger.

I am not naive to the past and the struggles we as women have had in gaining our equality, individualism and respect in a "man's world". I appreciate the women who paved the way for me to get a college education, and have a successful career and even leadership promotions. But pushing down another group of people to advance, is not really advancing at all. I could say that about so many situations in our society, but I'll leave that soap box for now.

I am also not naive to the abuse women have and still do suffer from so called men. In my opinion, those people aren't men at all, but children trapped in the bodies of men.

I've contemplated blogging about this subject for a long time but couldn't figure out how to say what I wanted to say. After seeing some of the heartwarming commercials portraying men in a positive light during the super bowl this past week the words began to flow in my mind and my heart. So I put those words down in a poem. I couldn't tell you the last time I wrote poetry, but it had to be in High School. So forgive me if my style and sentence structure is a little crude. I hope that you see the heart of the matter instead of the grammar.

I wrote this about the three most important men in my life, that have forever changed my life. I pray that if you have a man in your life that has truly lived up to the definition, that you let them know how much you appreciate them.

                       I Thank God For a Man

    I Thank God for a man who taught me to be strong.
He taught me how to change a tire, check the oil and to
know that clicking sound meant something was wrong.
I thank God for a man who worked hard every day.
He ignored the pain in his back, his arms, his legs because
He knew he had a family to take care of and bills to pay.
I thank God for a man that wouldn’t let me give up.
Who told me “You’ll be flipping burgers.” when going to
College seemed to be too much.
I thank God for a man who taught me about life.
He taught me how to take care of myself so that I could
make it whether or not I ever became a wife.
I thank God for a man that I could talk to about my thoughts.
He listened and never judged as I disclosed my struggles
and many of my faults.

     I Thank God for a man who saw past my walls.
He waited patiently (most of the time) as he took down the
bricks and didn’t stop with just a few, he got them all.
I thank God for a man that loved me for me. He didn’t ask
Me to change or be someone I couldn’t be.
I thank God for a man that loves and protects. His commitment
 Knows no bounds and my needs he makes sure to never neglect.
I thank God for a man that sees my visions and my dreams. He always
says “Go for it” even if he doesn’t know what that might mean.
I Thank God for a man that is my best friend. Who makes me laugh
until it hurts and I snort. Then he makes me laugh again.

     I Thank God for a man who came to this earth, to
Show me what it meant to love and love even when it hurt.
I Thank God for a man who is full of mercy and grace. His
Love for me is unchanging even when I fall flat on my face.
I Thank God for a man who gave me new life. He didn’t promise it
Would be perfect but would carry me during the strife.
I Thank God for a man who knows me by name. He has called me
and redeemed me and rescued me from my shame.

   I Thank God for the three men that forever changed my life. My Daddy,
My Husband and My Savior, Jesus Christ.

                                                            Julie R. Murphy